Jim Green Portrait Sculpture

portrait statue Jim Green, former Vancouver city councillor and social activist, portrait sculpture by Geemon Xin Meng, Vancouver Sculpture Studio

Sculpture Exhibit in London, England

Geemon Xin Meng’s portrait of former Vancouver city councillor, Jim Green, has been selected for The Society of Portrait Sculptors 2015 Exhibition in London, England. This annual exhibit is one of the world’s top forums for exhibiting contemporary portrait sculpture.

Artist’s Statement

Geemon Xin Meng in his studio, Vancouver Sculpture Studio

Jim Green was a dedicated advocate for the poor and worked tirelessly as a community builder in Vancouver. He died in 2012. I feel it’s important that we know and remember him. My dream is to cast this portrait in bronze and have it installed in a public place, just as Jim lived his life … amongst the people. — Geemon Xin Meng

View More Portrait Sculpture by Geemon Xin Meng